Osama Bin Laden dead: Obama took 16 hours to make up his mind

The gravity of the decision the President had to make was astounding. The risk was exceptionally high. I take deep pride in the President being a strategic, methodical thinker. This was a decision not to be made lightly. It was not to be made with a “cowboy” mentality. The decision to put soldier’s directly in harm’s way is never one to take lightly. The decision to end a man’s life no matter how wretched they may be should never to be taken lightly. You must contemplate over it and commit yourself wholeheartedly to the mission. President Obama did that.                    

Osama Bin Laden dead: Obama took 16 hours to make up his mind | Mail Online.

About The Soul Brother

An observer to the world. I have a unique view of the world and want to share it. It's all in love from the people of the "blues". Love, Knowledge, and Sharing amongst all is the first steps towards solving all the problems amongst humanity.
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